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private Netparametric type

Net(; name = "", suffixes = [""], value = missing,
      type = :wire, class = :internal, signed = false,
      bitwidth = 1, size = (1, 1))
Net(x; kwargs...)

Create a new multi-dimensional SystemVerilog net (for x).


  • name::String: the name of the net (this can be a SystemVerilog constant expression too)
  • suffixes::Vector{String}: set if this net represents multiple wires with suffixes (e.g. a signed stochastic bitstream has suffixes _p and _m)
  • value: the underlying Julia value that this net represents
  • type::Symbol: one of [:logic] (a SystemVerilog type)
  • class::Symbol: one of [:input, :output, :internal, :constant, :parameter]
  • signed::Bool: set true if the net is signed in SystemVerilog
  • bitwidth::Int: the bit width of each element in the net
  • size::Tuple{Int, Int, ...}: the size of the net in terms of number of elements

If x is specified, then value = x and size = netsize(x). netsize is like Base.size, but it expands scalars and vectors to 2D sizes (e.g. (1, 1)) If x is a SBitstream or AbstractArray{<:SBitstream}, then suffixes = ["_p", "_m"].