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Create a simulation nop

A “nop” (or “no op”) is an operation that passes its inputs through unmodified. A simulation nop is a function that is not traced by the BitSAD simulator. Instead, that call stack is “passed through” unmodified. Let’s look at a concrete example.

using BitSAD
using LinearAlgebra

f(x) = reverse(x)
g(v) = norm(v)
h(x) = g(f(x))

v = SBitstream.(rand(3) ./ 10)
SBitstream{Float64}(value = 0.15149575607935242)
    with 0 bits.

If we look at the transformed simulation code for h, we see that BitSAD recurses into the call stack of f.

BitSAD.show_simulatable(h, v)
:(function var"##tape_h#281"(x1::typeof(Main.anonymous.h), x2::Vector{SBitstream{Float64}})
      x3 = (BitSAD.getbit)(x2)
      x4 = (reverse)(x2)
      x5 = (LinearAlgebra.norm)(x4)
      x6 = (BitSAD.getbit)(x4)
      x7 = (SL2Normer(...))(x6)
      x8 = (BitSAD.setbit!)(x5, x7)
      return x5

Suppose instead of unwrapping the call to f, we want the simulator to call f itself on the plain arguments. We can do this with BitSAD.@nosim.

BitSAD.@nosim f(x)

By declaring f(x) as a simulation nop, we prevent BitSAD from tracing into any call matching f(::Any). Instead, BitSAD will call f(x).


You can use type signatures to restrict which methods of a function are marked as simulation nops. For example, f(x::SBitstream) will only prevent tracing into f when typeof(x) <: SBitstream. When no type signature is given, the argument type defaults to Any.

BitSAD.show_simulatable(h, v)
:(function var"##tape_h#282"(x1::typeof(Main.anonymous.h), x2::Vector{SBitstream{Float64}})
      x3 = (BitSAD.getbit)(x2)
      x4 = (Main.anonymous.f)(x2)
      x5 = (LinearAlgebra.norm)(x4)
      x6 = (BitSAD.getbit)(x4)
      x7 = (SL2Normer(...))(x6)
      x8 = (BitSAD.setbit!)(x5, x7)
      return x5


Notice that f is called on x2 directly (i.e. there is no call to getbit). Marking a call as a simulation nop bypasses the getbit/setbit! calls inserted by the simulator for all arguments.