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Quick start

BitSAD allows you to write programs that operate on bitstreams. A bitstream is a sequence of single bit values that represents some data. The following tutorial will help you get started with BitSAD if you already have familiarity with bitstream computing. For a more detailed tutorial, see stochastic bitstreams 101.

Currently, BitSAD defines SBitstream to refer to bit sequences found in stochastic computing. Such bitstreams are modeled as a Bernoulli sequence whose mean is the true number being encoded.

Creating and working with bitstreams

Creating a stochastic bitstream variable is straightforward:

using BitSAD

x = SBitstream(0.1)
SBitstream{Float64}(value = 0.1)
    with 0 bits.

Here x is a stochastic bitstream representing the real number 0.1. We can do arithemetic with SBitstreams:

y = SBitstream(0.3)
x + y
SBitstream{Float64}(value = 0.4)
    with 0 bits.

We can see that the result of x + y has an encoded value of 0.4 == 0.1 + 0.3. This can be taken further to write more complex functions of bitstreams:

f(x, y) = x + y
g(a, b) = a * b
h(x, y, z) = f(x, y) .- g(y, z)

x, y, z = SBitstream(0.1), SBitstream(0.3), SBitstream(0.2)
result = h(x, y, z)
@show float(result) == h(float(x), float(y), float(z))
float(result) == h(float(x), float(y), float(z)) = true
SBitstream{Float64}(value = 0.34)
    with 0 bits.

Simulating bitstreams

You may have noticed that the printing of result above had the phrase “0 bits enqueue.” Until now, the value of each SBitstream (e.g. float(result)) is the exact mean of the underlying Bernoulli distribution. This is not how functions of bitstreams are computed in hardware. In reality, the hardware would process a sample drawn from each of the input bitstreams. You can simulate this behavior with BitSAD:

num_samples = 10_000
hsim = simulatable(h, x, y, z)

for _ in 1:num_samples
    push!(result, pop!(hsim(h, x, y, z)))

@show abs(estimate(result) - float(result))
abs(estimate(result) - float(result)) = 0.0016999999999999793
SBitstream{Float64}(value = 0.34)
    with 10000 bits.

simulatable creates a simulation object which can be called just like our original function h (except we must pass in h as the first argument). We simulate num_samples evaluations, drawing from the distributions for x, y, and z, simulating the hardware on those samples, and pushing the resulting output sample onto result. Finally, we see that the emprical estimate of result is quite close to the true mean and that result now contains 10,000 samples in queue.