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Creating a custom SBitstream operator

In most of the tutorials, we’ve discussed writing functions of SBitstreams, simulating those functions, and generating hardware for those functions. This already covers a large variety of circuits, but in some cases, your circuit will need an custom operator that is not already defined in BitSAD. Defining this operator so that it is simulatable and synthesizable like all the standard BitSAD operators is what this how-to will cover. The entire process requires three pieces:

  1. Define a Julia function
  2. Associate the function with a simulator
  3. Associate the function with a hardware handler

Defining the Julia operator

Let’s start with the easiest step — defining what we want our operator to do to the encoded value of the SBitstream (this is not the bit-level behavior!). We’ll make up a non-sensical operator here, addtimes(x, y), which adds two SBitstreams then multiplies the result by the first SBitstream.

using BitSAD

addtimes(x::SBitstream, y::SBitstream) = SBitstream((float(x) + float(y)) * float(x))

x = SBitstream(0.4)
y = SBitstream(0.1)
addtimes(x, y)
SBitstream{Float64}(value = 0.2)
    with 0 bits.

It looks like the encoded floating point value for our function is correct.

Associating addtimes with a simulator

Next, we need to be able to simulate addtimes at the bit-level. To do this, we’ll define a simulator — a struct that operates on SBits and stores stateful information for this operation. We’ll make use of the existing simulators in BitSAD to do this, which you can do in your code, or you can define a simulator completely from scratch. All that matters is that your simulator can be called on (x::SBit, y::SBit).

using BitSAD: SSignedAdder, SSignedMultiplier, SSignedDecorrelator

struct AddTimeser
AddTimeser() = AddTimeser(SSignedAdder(),

function (addtimeser::AddTimeser)(x::SBit, y::SBit)
    xdecorrelate = addtimeser.decorrelator(x)
    z = addtimeser.multiplier(addtimeser.adder(x, y), xdecorrelate)

    return z # our return must be an SBit too

So far, BitSAD doesn’t know that it should map simulated calls to addtimes to an instance of AddTimeser. To do this, we need to extend the simulator interface.

# SBitstreamLike = Union{SBitstream, AbstractArray{<:SBitstream}}
using BitSAD: SBitstreamLike

# BitSAD will recognize call signatures that match this as primitive calls
# this means BitSAD won't "look inside" the call
                          ::Type{<:SBitstream}) = true

# getsimulator returns a new instance of the simulator for the primitive call
# in our case, we return a new AddTimeser
BitSAD.getsimulator(::typeof(addtimes), ::SBitstream, ::SBitstream) = AddTimeser()
# we need to explicitly handle broadcasted calls to addtimes
# here, we return an array of AddTimesers (this is probably what you want to do)
                          ::Type{<:SBitstreamLike}) = true
                    y::SBitstreamLike) = BitSAD.getsimulator.(addtimes, x, y)

Now, whenever BitSAD sees a function call in a simulated program that matches our BitSAD.is_trace_primitive signature, it will call BitSAD.getsimulator to create a new simulator instance, and it will forward the popped bits to that simulator.


We implemented the broadcasted simulator for addtimes as many AddTimesers in the same shape as the broadcasted arrays x and y. You can also create a simulator specifically for broadcasted calls that operates on arrays of SBits. Instead of returning an array of simulators, you would return a single instance of this special broadcast simulator. BitSAD will understand either option and pass the popped bits appropriately.

Let’s see if our simulator works.

sim = simulatable(addtimes, x, y)
sim(addtimes, x, y)
SBitstream{Float64}(value = 0.2)
    with 1 bits.

Associating addtimes with a hardware handler

When BitSAD generates hardware, it uses the same program tracing functionality used in simulation to create a data-flow graph (DFG) of the program. Then it applies a series of transformation passes on the graph to apply optimizations. Finally, it traverses the graph from inputs to outputs, maintaining a BitSAD.Netlist along the way. At each node, it invokes the hardware handler associated with that node. A hardware handler is responsible for generating the SystemVerilog instantiation code for each node of a certain type. For example, the BitSAD.SAddHandler writes the SystemVerilog code to instantiate every + operation in the DFG. The reason a single handler instance is called repeatedly to generate each piece of SystemVerilog is so that the handler can ensure that SystemVerilog instance naming is unique.

Suppose we have the following SystemVerilog module:

module AddTimes(CLK, nRST, x_p, x_m, y_p, y_m, z_p, z_m);

// implementation


Let’s write a handler in BitSAD that instantiates a new AddTimes whenever addtimes is encountered in the DFG.

using BitSAD: Net, Netlist, name, netsize, handle_broadcast_name

struct SAddTimesHandler end

BitSAD.init_state(::SAddTimesHandler) = (id = 0,)

function (handler::SAddTimesHandler)(buffer,
    # compute input naming
    # handle_broadcast_name is utility that uses the SystemVerilog repeat
    # operator to "broadcast" a scalar input to the correct size
    lname, rname = handle_broadcast_name(name(inputs[1]), name(inputs[2]),
                                         netsize(inputs[1]), netsize(inputs[2]))

    # always use netsize to get the size of nets
    # net sizes may be strings not integers
    outsize = netsize(outputs[1])

    write(buffer, """
        // BEGIN addtimes$(
        AddTimes add$( (
        // END addtimes$(

    return buffer, (id = + 1,)

Our SAddTimesHandler (stochastic addtimes handler) has some state associated with it. We use this to keep track of how many instances of the Verilog module we have created. The handler is callable according to the handler interface which accepts the arguments:

  1. buffer: the IO stream to write our SystemVerilog to
  2. netlist: the current circuit Netlist
  3. state: the handler state
  4. inputs: a Netlist of inputs
  5. outputs: a Netlist of outputs

By convention, BitSAD represents SBitstream nets as the net’s name with “_p” or “_m” appended. We also used the BitSAD.handle_broadcast_name to adjust the input names in the presence of a broadcast. Writing to buffer is the important piece of code here. This is the SystemVerilog code that will be produced for each addtimes. You can see we used the id field to name the module instance uniquely, and we passed in the standard CLK and nRST signals.

At this stage, like our simulator, BitSAD still does not know how to associate nodes in the DFG with our handler. We extend a similar interface to the simulator.

                  ::Type{<:SBitstreamLike}) = SAddTimesHandler()

The first Bool argument is true when the operation is broadcasted and false if not. If your operator does not deal with broadcasting, then you can ignore this argument.


We don’t need to redefine this operation as primitive, since we already extended BitSAD.is_trace_primitive. If you want, you can define BitSAD.is_simulatable_primitive and BitSAD.is_hardware_primitive separately (by default they call BitSAD.is_trace_primitive).

Let’s generate some hardware!

verilog_string, _ = generatehw(addtimes, x, y)
module addtimes (
    input logic CLK,
    input logic nRST,
    input logic   net_2_p, net_2_m,
    input logic   net_3_p, net_3_m,
    output logic   net_4_p, net_4_m

// Autogenerated by BitSAD
// BEGIN addtimes0
AddTimes add0 (
// END addtimes0


And that’s all there is to creating custom operators in BitSAD for SBitstreams.