Make sure you have completed the getting started tutorial.

Table of contents:

Simulating MobileNet

Building the bitstream computing model

At the end of Bitstreams 101, you saw that simulating bitstream computing circuits at the bit level requires generating a bit for each input bitstream, then emulating the hardware on those bits, and pushing the result onto an output bitstream.

BitSAD.jl automates this process with a simulatable function that takes a Julia function and builds a "simulatable" version of it. Unfortunately, we can't naively apply this function to our model. For example, our model weights and biases are represented as floating point numbers > 1. So, we must first prepare our model for bitstream mode. We have provided you with a utility function that does this step for you.

The function is called prepare_bitstream_model and it takes a single argument: the model. It merges the batch norm and convolution layers into a single convolution layer. This is done by adjusting the convolution layer weights and biases according to Eq. 1 below where ww and bb are the original weights and biases, γ\gamma and β\beta are the batch norm scale and shift, and μ\mu and σ\sigma are the batch norm running mean and variance.

wˉ=wγσbˉ=γ(bμ)σ+β \bar{w} = \frac{w \gamma}{\sigma} \qquad \bar{b} = \frac{\gamma (b - \mu)}{\sigma} + \beta

Approximating the simulation error

We see that the total scaling is quite large. This means that we will need long bitstreams to accurately represent the scaled weights and biases. Typically, we would use the simulatable function in BitSAD to empirically measure the effect of this error on our accuracy; however, cycle-accurate simulation of hardware is computationally intensive for a large program like a neural network. At UW-Madison, our group uses the compute resources available on campus to simulate these models. For the hackathon, we will be using an approximation of the error induced by simulating bitstreams.

We provide you with a add_conversion_error! function that accepts a model and simulation length in clock cycles. This function will use BitSAD to measure the error incurred by generating bit sequences for each weight and bias, then adjust the floating point weights and biases of the model to be slightly off by the measured error.

The accuracy can vary substantially relative to the original baseline accuracy. This can happen if we use an extremely short simulation length or the training regime was not streamlined for bitstream paradigm. In practice, your simulation length should be on the order of 1,000 cycles or more. Your goal in the hackthon is to choose a pruning strategy and requested latency that minimizes energy consumption while maximizing accuracy.

Evaluating the baseline model

Let us now combine these adjustments and evaluate our model.

First, we take a pretrained version of our model, MobileNet v1. In your case, you will prune + finetune this model first, then follow these steps.


BSON.@load "src/pretrained.bson" m

Let's see the accuracy of the pretrained model on the provided validation data set.

#the simulation length here is 10,000 cycles
evaluate_submission(m, 10,000)
[ Info: Calculating HW cost...
[ Info: Evaluating simulated model performance...
┌ Info: Evaluation complete!
│ Area consumption = 1.2350551110799986e8 mm²
│ Energy consumption = 2.338759584800001e9 uW * cycles
│ Accuracy = 79.2% correct
└ Please submit these results on the website.
(1.2350551110799986e8, 2.3387595848000012e6, 0.7919858237631863)

This accuracy is quite good at 79%!

Real simulation

As we mentioned above, simulating the network using BitSAD will be computationally intensive, so we do not require this for the hackathon. Unfortunately, our approximation model does not account for all the possible sources of error in bitstream computing, namely correlations between the input bitstreams as well as errors caused by the stateful emulation of the hardware. BitSAD simulatable functions do account for all these sources of error. If you are interested in evaluating your model using BitSAD, you can execute

mbit = model_scaled |> tosbitstream
msim = make_simulatable(mbit, (96, 96, 3, 1))

This code does two things. First, the tosbitstream function will replace all the array parameters in your model with SBitstream arrays from BitSAD. Next, the make_simulatable function will apply the simulatable function from BitSAD to each layer in the network and wrap the result as a "simulatable" version of the layer. We pass the make_simulatable function the size of our input, since the hardware will be built of a specific size. Finally, you can simulate a single cycle of bitstream execution using

xbit = SBitstream.(x) # convert a single input sample to SBitstream

The output of msim(xbit) will be a single element SBitstream array. If you examine the single element, you will see that it contains a single bit in the queue. That single bit is the result of simulating the bitstream computing hardware. You can now call msim(xbit) repeatedly in a loop to simulate many bit sequentially. For more information, check out the BitSAD.jl docs.

CC BY-SA 4.0 UW-Madison PHARM Group. Last modified: November 15, 2023. Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.